Investing with us

Investing with us

We understand the goals and responsibilities of institutional and other professional investors given our perspective and experience as an end-investor.

Our core strengths

We leverage our investment expertise, long experience and extensive resources to meet the varied needs of our customers.
Our perspective as an end-investor enables us to understand the goals and responsibilities of institutional and other professional investors.
We offer our clients holistic advice given our deep investment expertise across all asset classes.

Mandatum Asset Management manages a total of approximately EUR 19 billion in assets (including EUR 2 billion in uncalled client commitments), within our core investment areas of credit, alternatives and equity selection.

Our products and advisory services are tightly linked to our own way of investing, and we only offer products where we see opportunities ourselves. We also use our own products in our group's balance sheet investments, bringing economies of scale and an alignment of interests with our clients.

We have been investing in our core investment areas for over thirty years, resulting in a strong track record across market cycles. Our extensive experience and broad network of top-tier partners and resources allows us to source attractive investment opportunities for our clients.

Our investment philosophy emphasizes

Investment selection
Bottom-up approach, not top-down
The will and ability to act when the market situation offers opportunities
We utilize a long investment horizon as efficiently as possible

Our core investment areas

We provide our clients with our insight, expertise and resources across all asset classes. Our core investment areas are:

Current strategies

Our current strategies of focus for institutional and other professional investors across our core investment areas include:

Responsible investment

At Mandatum, responsible investing involves a comprehensive assessment of the impacts, risks, and opportunities associated with environmental, social and goveranance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions. ESG risks associated with investment objects are proactively identified and assessed for their potential impact, while also evaluating how effectively these factors are taken into account in each investment.

Read more about responsible investing

Responsible Investment Policy (PDF)